Meetings, Events, and Relationships: Where to Find Them & How to Rock Them.

Sandra Noemi Torres
6 min readMay 9, 2020


How do you show up to a meeting, an interview, a networking event? Does the sound of them get you excited or nervous? Do you enjoy walking into new events and functions alone or do you need a friend to come with you? What is your level of comfort?

My goal with this article is to provide you some immediate tools and insight you can use right now to find local events, gatherings and connect with people in your area. More importantly, to inspire you to own the audacity to be comfortable in every single one of these business situations.

Networking is about one thing — Real-ationships.

And building them over and over again until you die, and if you’re not real, what’s the point?

Are you Introverted or Extroverted?

To be honest, it doesn’t really matter, because when it comes to building your business or brand you must learn to be the ‘Getovertit’ type.

The facts are that all of us have both tendencies at different times and moments in our lives. The key is knowing how to tap into your energy pool and power up with the one you need at that moment so you can maximize your potential performance.

Before you enter a meeting or an event.

Your day, your thoughts good or bad will affect the level of connection you reach with somebody at a meeting or at networking events. If something has thrown you off that day, you must do a quick cleanse or reset so that you walk into every room giving the very best of yourself. In order to be productive and fully present you must make sure your energy is fresh and ready to experience something new.

If your energy is low expect low results. Learn to do an energy reset to master your energy so you can kick it in higher gears as needed.

Who can you find at events?

Business Partners, Mentors, Clients, Best Friends, it’s truly limitless.

Don’t just think about your next sale, think about your life and the plans you have for it. Networking allows you to meet others and build bonds with those who can be mentors, referral partners, business partners, collaborators, and clients.

The beautiful part about human connection and networking is that it can take one person, one contact and one relationship to shift you into the next phase of your life.

The importance here is to show up. Show up online and show up at strategic gatherings & events offline.

Being You — Authentic Communicator

In today’s world, Emotional Intelligence is thankfully exceeding AI. Having the ability to communicate with others authentically is critical.

Authenticity doesn’t happen by practicing to be authentic. Authenticity needs no practice, it’s a level of comfort with the self — purely and simply. So when you are fully happy with you and all the quirks about you, you can show up authentic for others.

It’s the realization that being yourself is worthy enough for others, regardless of the outcome -because it is.

If you are not yourself, what’s the point?

Where & How To Find Local Business Networking Events?

Logistics & Searching.

Whether you prefer offline or online connections as a business owner, you will need a business strategy that encompasses a bit of both. Building relationships, partnerships and community are important for our general well being and most certainly for the growth of our businesses, brands, and organizations.

“This is your life and you must show up to it.”


How do you find business relationships & events on Facebook? There are a myriad of ways and I will share a few. Facebook is critical for many small business owners & professionals and its important for you to have a Brand presence on there.

How to find groups and events on Facebook?

Facebook Groups & Pages- Join Networking Communities & Groups.

  1. Search for “Your city” and the words (a)events, (b)networking, ©groups, (d) Professionals, (e)business networking, (f) business owners, (g) your niche (h) women networking, (i) workshops, (j)business workshops
  2. Do the same with (a)neighboring major cities, (b) your county and ©neighboring county
  3. In there, you will find other local business owners, professionals and events from other members or the host of the page that you can get involved in or attend.

Facebook Events — You can find local events on Facebook by simply… you guessed it, looking under events in your Menu. You may see event invites by friends or those recommended to you by facebook, but you can also search.

Yes Facebook is a powerful search engine and it holds a directory of many of the local events for professionals happening in your area.

Tip: :) Follow my Facebook Page For Events I am Hosting & Co-Hosting, don’t forget to follow my FB Page Sandra Noemi Torres FB/PlanYourCompany for new upcoming events in SoFlo and across the US as we expand. Non Shameful Plug in — I have some impactful events for men and women coming in 2020 you will want to be a part of.

2) MEETUP.COM is a great site to find others who have similar interests as you. Whether for personal fun or business networking, offers both.

You can do searches for hobbies that you want to get back into, find a tennis partner, or find local business networking events and happenings.

Tip: When searching don’t forget to expand the search area. I think the default is set to a 5 mile radius and you want to expand that out to 50- 100 miles or so, just to see what is available in your vicinity. Some events may be worth the drive.


A great “events” ticket master portal for local, small and large events. You can search events in any area so if you are traveling you can find local events wherever you are.

Literally type and wa-lah! Then search for a type of event you are looking for and the area and see what comes up.


Shapr is a great discovery platform application you can download on your phone. I have met quite a few people in person already through it. I have also had many calls and have given coaching sessions to people I have met via Shapr. Shapr allows you to find others to network with, without leaving the house.

Shapr works by swiping left or right if you’d like to connect with that person. I suppose like a dating app. But instead it’s networking. If someone also swipes you right, a way to communicate via messenger is opened. From there you can decide if you’d prefer a phone call or an in person meeting.


LinkedIn is all about the meetings. Find others whom you feel you both can benefit from a offline conversation or meeting. It is truly one of the best places to schedule meetings and build community connections. I saved it for last because it’s truly the best one.

Schedule meetings with your niche as well as be open to saying yes to having a quick intro call when asked.

How To Rock Events & Networking?

Most often, much of what I see are people connecting and then pitching. They easily will find themselves frustrated. Don’t only share your business, don’t only push your agenda, spend a few minutes each day to engage a community that you want to serve. Get to know them. Because it’s not always about you, it’s about the impact you are making on someone else’s life.

To master the art of networking is to develop the sociological toolbox that will allow for you to manage the direction of your conversations. You can discern, pivot, pull pack, push forward, be authentically intriqued or know when you must leave the conversation if it isn’t offering any one value.

Which Events to Attend Which Ones to Dump?

Like the fairy tale says, the princess had to kiss a few frogs to find her prince. You too, may have to experience a few murky waters till you find your people and get to know the events that are worth your time and money.

I have attended my fair share of snoozers and useless time wasters. Which is why, I put on my own impactful events.

But there are tips and tricks to find events filled with the people you are ‘most likely to serve.’ So long as you can discern whom those people are.

Having a clear agenda on whom you are looking to meet or desired outcome is important.

Have a desired outcome but be open to anything that may arise. You never know Who the Universe will bring into your life.

To Our Beautiful Lives,

Sandra Noemi Torres

#Networking #Business #PlanYourCompany #AlwaysBeGrowing #Sales #BusinessCoach #BusinessGrowth #SmallBusiness #Relationships #Events #Meetings



Sandra Noemi Torres

Empowerment, Human Potential, Health Habits, Veganism, Wellness and Personal Growth